News from
Fondo Filantropico Italiano

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This section highlights the latest news regarding the activities of Fondo Filantropico Italiano, upcoming events, and some of the initiatives carried out with the contributions of the DAFs managed by the Foundation.

The Luciana Fund is established to support the Lugo (RA) Hospital

The Luciana Fund has been established at the Fondo Filantropico Italiano, a philanthropic initiative by a benefactor who wanted to commit to supporting the "Umberto I" Hospital in Lugo (RA) to support...

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The WE Dream Fund is established: support for university education from the initiative of an Italian-American entrepreneur.

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Selezionate le due vincitrici delle Borse di Studio Bruno Frizzera

The two winners of the Bruno Frizzera Scholarships for the Sole 24 ORE – STS Deloitte Tax Master’s Program have been selected.

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Evento Strategie per l’ottimizzazione della gestione dei patrimoni

Trento, November 14, 2024 – Event "Strategies for Optimizing Wealth Management."

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Bruno Frizzera
our funds

The Bruno Frizzera Philanthropic Fund has been established, a philanthropic initiative named after the renowned Trentino tax expert who passed away in 2012.

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locandina Fondo filantropico Women for Women

The Women for Women Philanthropic Fund Adopts Another Project: D.O.T.S. (Women, Guidance, Training, Skills), the Program by the Adecco Foundation Designed to Empower Women Facing Difficult Situations ...

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. Il 24 ottobre 2023 durante l’evento in collaborazione con Deloitte Private, Studio Bonamini a Ca’ del Moro (Verona) si tratterà in particolare dello stato della filantropia in Veneto e di iniziative imprenditoriali a favore del territorio.

The Initiatives of Fondo Filantropico Italiano Continue to Raise Awareness Among Entrepreneurs and Their Trusted Professionals About the Opportunities Available in Italy Today for Philanthropy.

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Persone che attraversano una strada

According to the A.I.R.E. (Registry of Italians Resident Abroad), in 2020, nearly 5.5 million Italians were living abroad. The number rises to 5.8 million according to the "Italians in the World" repo...

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Evento dedicato alla  seconda edizione dell’indagine “L’esperienza filantropica dei wealthy people in Italia” v

Fondo Filantropico Italiano, in collaboration with Finer Finance Explorer, has conducted the second edition of the survey “The Philanthropic Experience of Wealthy People in Italy,” aimed at analyzing ...

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A look at philanthropy through numbers

Giving is important: this is demonstrated by the studies we conduct, focused on major donations in Italy, the willingness to donate, and the behaviors of those who give. The data provides a roadmap for increasing the number of people committed to the common good.

Press Review
A model that is evolving, a more conscious philanthropy, more transparent, and thus more capable of collecting, identifying, and acting.
How funds work to support social utility projects with objectives that are not the result of one-time donations but are tied to programs and long-term duration. In Italy, the lever is the Fondo Filantropico Italiano.
Young, female, focused on the effectiveness and efficiency of her contribution: the portrait of the new philanthropist is taking on different contours than it did a few years ago.
Philanthropy also needs professional expertise. The Fondo Filantropico Italiano is responding to this mission, as well as to others.
Welcome, consultant, even for philanthropic choices. […] In Italy, philanthropic activities are increasingly integrated into wealth management and are thus becoming part of family office or private banking work.
Doing private banking "the right way"? With a customized fund, it’s possible. Integrating financial planning with philanthropic advisory is becoming more and more an expectation expressed by clients. Here’s the role that DAFs can play.

Bring your project to life with Fondo Filantropico Italiano