Philanthropy Beyond Borders: An Opportunity for Fundraising from Abroad

According to the A.I.R.E. (Register of Italians Resident Abroad), in 2020 nearly 5.5 million Italians were living abroad. The number increases to 5.8 million according to the "Italians in the World" report presented by the Migrantes Foundation in November 2022. Additionally, the number of Italian citizens doubles when considering the 65 million foreign tourists who visit Italy's main locations each year.

These figures represent a valuable asset and an opportunity for fundraising. It is no coincidence that Italy has the highest number of UNESCO sites in the world and ranks fifth in the list of the most visited tourist destinations. These numbers are a resource to be leveraged, especially for those in the fundraising sector.

Alumni and Donations from Tourists: Best Practices for Fundraising

An example of international fundraising is the increasing number of alumni who, despite relocating abroad, remain loyal to their universities and continue to contribute. Similarly, tourists from all over the world, captivated by Italy’s artistic, cultural, and scenic wealth, often choose to make one-off or recurring donations to support local causes.
However, the lack of fiscal recognition for international donations is a barrier, especially in Europe, where the free movement of goods and services has been guaranteed since 1958, but this does not apply to cross-border donations.

The Benefits of Joining the Network

To address this issue, in 1998, three of Europe’s leading foundations – the Charities Aid Foundation, Fondation de France, and the King Baudouin Foundation – established the Transnational Giving Europe network. Its goal is to facilitate donations between different countries by offering individuals and companies the tax benefits available in their country of residence. Today, the network includes 20 countries, with Fondazione Donor representing Italy.

In 2021, TGE managed over 30.5 million euros destined for various non-profit organizations across Europe. Italy ranks fourth among the countries most supported by foreign donors, with an incoming donation flow of nearly 3 million euros. As a result, more and more Italian organizations are joining the TGE network to expand their fundraising activities beyond national borders.

- December 2022

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