Fondo Dr.ssa Fulvia Anelli

Fondo Dr.ssa Fulvia Anelli was founded not only to remember a passionate doctor and a special daughter and sister, but to systematically continue the philanthropic work that she carried out during her lifetime.
In a world increasingly characterized by virtual relationships and the isolation of human beings, the only relationship that cannot ignore physical contact and care will be the one with animals: communication with them passes through caresses, walks, naps at the master's feet. No artificial intelligence will ever be able to replace the unique and exclusive relationship between humans and their four-legged friend.

Dr. Fulvia Anelli, like the current founders, firmly believed that everyone should have the right to preserve this special relationship that binds human beings to their pets, without any distinction of culture or social condition.
Indeed, precisely those who have been most wounded by life - and often their suffering is invisible to the eyes of other human beings - must be able to count on the affection of their animal for as long as possible. In the same way, even the animal that loves its human unconditionally, without any shadow of opportunism, has the right to be protected in its well-being.

Mission of Fondo Dr.ssa Fulvia Anelli

Inspired by this philosophy, the Fund's main aim will be to provide veterinary care to animals still looking for a family, or to help less well-off people who cannot afford to pay for essential healthcare services for their pets.
The grants will be decided following the referrals made by a network of vets selected throughout the country and the applications received from the kennels or catteries for the animals housed there.

Furthermore, the Fund will participate - in partnership with other non-profit organizations - in projects for the sterilization of stray animals, as well as in screening activities for pathologies that could affect the future adoption of the animal (for example, a dog testing positive for Leishmaniasis may have never contracted the disease, but a very expensive test is needed to confirm it). 

Since July 2023, the Fund has been engaged in the Amici di Strada, compagni di vita project by Save the dogs, a street unit that reaches the dogs of homeless people in Milan by providing basic necessities and free veterinary assistance.

To support Fondo Dr.ssa Fulvia Anelli:

Make the donation via bank transfer to the account held in the name of Fondo Filantropico Italiano

IBAN: IT62O0832420301000000192730, Banca Centropadana - Credito Cooperativo SCRL, indicating in the reason for payment the following text: Donazione Fondo Anelli (Donation to Fondo Anelli).

Contact us via email at indicating the donor's tax details to receive the relevant receipt.

Follow the Fund on social medias to always stay updated on its activities:
Facebook: Fondo Drssa Fulvia Anelli
Instagram: fondo_dr.ssa_fulvia_anelli


Fondo Filantropico Italiano
Fondazione ETS
Foro Buonaparte 44
20121 Milano
C.F 95148460108
Registered in RUNTS
n. rep. 31576
+39 02 49412960